Welcome to
the Hummingbird Guide
January Newsletter!
Winter Hummingbirds
January 2021!
Post Your Sightings!
Enjoy a 10% Discount on Everything in Our Store. Use Promo Code: thehummer.
"The Hummer" Newsletter brings you the latest additions to The Hummingbird Guide website, many useful tips to learn more about them, how to attract them, how to keep them at your feeders, tips and reviews of the latest hummingbird products, discount promotions from our store, festivals, birding tours, and anything interesting relating to hummingbirds that we can find for you.If you like this e-zine, please do a friend and me a big favor and "forward it".
If a friend did forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting... Our Sign-Up Page.
NOTE: The Newsletter navigation links below "In this Issue:" will not work on a phone but will work on a desktop. Sorry, there is nothing we can do about this. They are issues with Android & iPhone Mail Apps. You will have to scroll down to read the Newsletter. The other links within the Newsletter will work on a phone.
Issue #40, January 9, 2021.In this Issue:
1) Winter Hummingbirds.
2) Hummingbird Face Masks.
3) Our Hummingbird Starter Kit.
4) More Useful Products!
5) Our Hummingbird Migration Tracker App.
6) Shop for Everything Hummingbirds....Special E-zine subscribers discount.
7) Our Revised Pinterest Page.
8) Link on your mobile device.
9) Hummingbird Guide Social Network.
10) Contact Us with your suggestions for future E-zines
Message from Ruth & Jim:
This is a very concerning time in our society. Our hearts go out to everyone now being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Native American Culture, hummingbirds are seen as Healers and Messangers of Love,
Good Luck and Joy.
They also symbolize courage and resilience because of their long migration.
We hope your hummingbirds bring some comfort and distraction from these trying times.
Winter Hummingbirds
Winter 2021.
Winter Hummingbirds, for the purpose of reference, are those that stay year round ("overwinter") in the United States and are found mainly in the Southwest regions. In recent years there has been an increasing number of sightings in the Southeast region of the country. The Rufous hummingbird is the most common sighted in the Southeast and sightings have been increasing in recent years.

Post Your Sightings Here!
We are excited to start this new project
of tracking "Winter Hummingbirds"!
We plan to continue our Winter Sightings Map in the years to come to observe and document the statistics of any change to hummingbird behavior during the winter months and where they inhabit North America.
If you are observing hummingbirds at your feeders this Winter, we would like to track the Winter population of hummingbirds with your sighting report.
We would like to see what species and where they are "overwintering" in the United States and Canada.
Learn about "Winter Hummingbirds" here!
Why Post Your Sighting?
Reporting your sightings will help to track any change in hummingbird behavior during the winter months.
It will also help others who live nearby who would like to attempt attracting "Winter Hummingbirds" to their home!
"Overwintering" Hummingbirds are increasing in numbers and expanse. That is another reason we recommend leaving your feeders up in the Fall for at least 2 weeks after you think you've seen the last of your visitors. Just in case you are one of the lucky ones who attract "Winter Hummingbirds" to their feeders!
When Do You Take Down Your Feeders?
We are asked two basic questions in regard to when should we cease feeding our little friends.
1. When is the best time to take down our hummingbird feeders in the Autumn?
.....In the Autumn we recommend leaving your feeders up for approximately two (2) weeks after you have seen the last hummingbird. There might be one or a few travelers migrating in need of a stop-over meal. They might stay for one day or several.
2. If I don't take my feeders down, is the myth true that hummingbirds will stay instead of migrating?
.....Scientists have studied the hummingbird in regard to migration.
They have banded many hummingbirds and tracked their marvelous migrations.
As a result, we now know scientifically that keeping our feeders up and feeding hummingbirds does not prevent migration.
It is the length of daylight in autumn and spring that triggers the hormones that cause hummingbirds to migrate.
Learn more about "When to take feeders down" HERE.
Hummingbird Face Masks!

We now have Hummingbird Face Masks available!
We want our devoted "Hummingbird Enthusiasts"to stay safe as caretakers of our beloved hummingbirds!
Order Your's Here!

More Useful Products !
The Hummingbird Tracker App
Follow the 2020 Migration
From Your Smartphone

The Hummingbird Tracker AppNew Features: Best Feeders, Hummingbird Identifier, Hummingbird Garden Design, FAQ's and MORE!
Available here:

Note: If you have decided to hang feeders, feeding hummingbirds is a commitment and there are 2 VERY IMPORTANT RULES you must follow:Changing Nectar: You must be vigilant about changing the nectar regularly (every 3 to 5 days) to keep it from spoiling.
See our filling instructions here.
Cleaning Feeders: You must keep your feeders clean from bacteria which can be harmful to hummingbirds.
See our cleaning instructions here.
Our New "Feeder Fresh Nectar Defender"!
Keeps Your Nectar Fresh For 2 Weeks!
No Need to Change Your Nectar
Every 3 Days!

The Hummingbird Guide Store!
Our Website is Now at
The Highest Level of Security!

We have worked hard to bring our website up to the highest level of security.
You will notice "https" in our URL (web address) in your address bar of your browser and the "Padlock" icon indicating that our website meets the standards for the highest level of security.
You can shop with confidence that our store is secure and any page that you visit on our site is secure!
Please visit Our Store. There is a large selection of decorative, unique, basic hummingbird feeders along with many accessories such as the ant moats and brushes. Also, we have many beautiful "Woodstock" wind chimes available, Gifts and Birdbaths.
Use promo code: "thehummer" for a Special 10% Discount to our newsletter subscribers which you can use on your whole order in
our store.

Let Others Know About
Your "Favorite" or "Not-so-Favorite"
Hummingbird Product!
Submit your personal review here.
See Our Revised Pinterest Page!
Follow us on Pinterest and Pin Your Favorites to Your Pinterest Board.

Our Website is "Mobile Friendly"!
Add our website to the "Homescreen" of your Smartphone to have quick and easy access to follow the Hummingbird Migration as we update your sightings.
Visit Our Social Network!
If you haven't already, you just might like to become a fan!

It's "A-buzz" with activity and has been growing by leaps and bounds!
We now have over 12,500 Facebook followers.
We have many new visitor photos, videos and conversations.
We would love to see your photos and videos, come join the fun!
View some videos on our YouTube channel.

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Advertise Here!
Do you have a hummingbird related product, destination, tours, classes, business or anything related to hummingbirds......... contact us about advertising in our Newsletters.
Suggestions? Ideas?.......... We would love to hear your thoughts about our future e-zines.
Please Contact Us with your input.
Enjoy the rest of the Spring and Summer!
See you soon,
Jim & Ruth
The Hummingbird Guide "Home Page"
I saw a hummingbird today..........
Sweetness and Joy is on the way!