Do You Have Your Feeders Out!
Our Hummingbirds
Are Already Here or
Are Getting Close!
Enjoy a 10% Discount on Everything in Our Store.
"The Hummer" Newsletter brings you the latest additions to The Hummingbird Guide website, many useful tips to learn more about them, how to attract them, how to keep them at your feeders, tips and reviews of the latest hummingbird products, discount promotions from our store, festivals, birding tours, and anything interesting relating to hummingbirds that we can find for you.
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Issue #055, April 15, 2023.
1) The 2023 Hummingbird Migration Update.
2) TIP: How to Deal With Ants!
3) Introducing Our New Other Site!
4) Dr. JB's Starter Kit.
5) Dr. JB's Window Kit.
6) Our Featured Product.
7) Our Hummingbird Migration Tracker App.
8) Shop for Everything Hummingbirds....Special E-zine subscribers discount.
9) When You Should Hang Your Feeders.
10) Plan Your Hummingbird Flower Garden.
11) Link on your mobile device.
12) Hummingbird Guide Social Network.
12) Contact Us with your suggestions for future E-zines
The 2023 Hummingbird Migration
In Progress!
We have received sightings up along the east coast into Massachusetts this week.
Hummingbirds usually travel along the coast first where there is warmer temps and then migrate inland.
The Hummers are definitely on the move.
We are amidst the busiest time of the year for the hummingbird Spring Migration!
Most areas in the U.S. have their friends back by the end of the month. We, up north, usually have to wait until May to see our feathered friends!
Currently, the migration sightings seem to be showing their usual progress for our beloved hummingbirds.
SUBMIT YOUR SIGHTING, You can submit your sightings with our "Submission Form" to our "Interactive
Migration Map"!
Please post your sightings to help everyone following the migration.
Give Them a Helping Hand
When They Arrive!
With Our Hummingbird
Nesting Material Kit!

Hummer Helper Nesting Material Kit
Post Your Sightings When They Arrive!
Click the Map
for the 2023 Submission Form.

Post Your Sightings Here!
Why Post Your Sighting?
Reporting your sightings will help everyone to keep track of the migration progress and prepare feeders for their arrival.
It will also help us with the data that is kept from year to year to note any pattern changes
Learn More About
The Fascinating Hummingbird Migration
Click here.
Are You Ready!
"When Should I Hang My Hummingbird Feeder?"
Visit Our Migration Page to Find Out!
We recommend putting your feeders out 2 weeks before the estimated arrival date of your Hummers.
You will find a map and table of the estimated dates when the Ruby-throats will arrive in the East.
There are also regional maps of other species such as the Rufous, Allen's, Anna's, Calliope, Costa's, Black-chinned and Broad-tailed.
Visit Our Migration Page to Learn More About the Hummingbird Migration and Their Estimated Arrival Dates!
This is a good time to get your
"Hummingbird Gear" out!
Check your feeders for damage or leaks and maybe replace them.
Make sure they are clean and you have all the accessories you need such as an Ant Moat to keep those pesky ants off your feeders or a "Hummer Helper Helmet" to shade your feeders in the hot sun.
When your feeders get busy, fill them less often with our "All Natural and Safe".....Nectar Defender!
Later in the season you may want to serve and extra helping of Protein with an Insect Protein Feeder!
Dr. JB's Feeder Window Kit
Enjoy Your Humingbirds
Through a Window
Without Ants Enjoying the Feeder!
Kit Comes with the Dr. JB's feeder, a Suction Cup Window Hanger
and an Ant Moat!

How to Deal With Ants?

Ants Love the Sweet Nectar
from a Hummingbird Feeder!
No Problem!
Use An Ant Moat!
Guaranteed to Work!

Learn More Here
In Case You Missed Our Last Newsletters:
"When Will My Hummingbirds Arrive?"
We Get This Question Every Year,
So Here's Some Help!
Look at the Map below for the approximate arrival dates of the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds!

This map is just an estimate built from our visitor sightings.
How to estimate the date of a specific area/state:
1. Find Your Location
2. Look at the "Red Lines" above and below your location
3. The estimated date would be within the 10 day period between the dates indicated by the "Red Lines"
Visit Our Migration Page to Learn More About the Hummingbird Migration and Their Estimated Arrival Dates!
If You Know Someone Who Would Love to Start Enjoying Hummingbirds!
Here's A Great Deal!

Think Spring!
Before You Know it, the Hummingbird Migration
Will Be At Your Home!
We have our "Spring Migration Map" all ready to go!
It's Not Too Early!
Plan Your Hummingbird Garden!
For Spring Planting!
We've Teamed Up With Nature Hills Nursery.
America's Largest Online Plant Nursery!
Nature Hills has one of the BEST rated reputations of all online nurseries available!
Nature Hills guarantees that every plant they ship is of the finest quality and that your order will be carefully handled and shipped to ensure that you receive a healthy product.
Visit Our Flower Shop to Order Plants, Vines, Bushes for Your Hummingbird Garden!
A Few of the Many Positive Reviews for Nature Hills!
"I ordered plants from Nature Hills 5 or 6 different times this spring and I was extremely happy with all the plants. They arrived very well packaged and in excellent condition. Nature Hills is my favorite of the 4 nurseries I ordered from this spring. The plants were often higher priced than other nurseries, but the plants were very large. They were also packaged better than the other nurseries. I'm willing to pay a little more for better quality.(Although the prices was sometimes higher, there was often a discount code or free shipping.)" - Paula S.
"I ordered primropp yellow lilacs. They arrived within 10 days. I was very impressed by the packaging the plants arrive in. I was very impressed by the stock of bare roots that arrived strong and healthy. The instructions that came with how to plant a bare-root plants plan excellent. I will definitely order from Nature Hills Nursery again."-Laureen K.
"A very good experience. Ordering
was a breeze, and although Mother Nature delayed a few products, shipping was quick. Any issues we have encountered have been dealt with, and their customer service has been awesome."-Patty T.
"Trees and plants arrived in great shape. They are really growing fast, just keep them watered. Would buy again, wonderful service."-Edward B.
"Plants were healthy and arrived in excellent condition!"-Abigail H.



How to Plant a Hummingbird Garden!
We Have a Great Section on how to plant a garden equipped with:
- "Planting Zone Map" to find your zone.
- "Hummingbird Attracting Flowers List" that will grow in your zone.
- "Hummingbird Garden Plans" to carefully plan your garden.
- "Flower Shop" to order the best kept plants for shipment.
Learn All About It Here!
Our Featured Product!
Our Very Favorite Tray Hummingbird Feeder.
We have been using this feeder for 13 years now and in our opinion, is the most versatile tray style feeder available.
It is bee proof and the hummingbirds love it.
I would have to say it is one of the top 3 in popularity voted by our resident hummers!
HummZinger Ultra
Hummingbird Tray Feeder!

HummZinger Ultra Hummingbird Tray Feeder
The Hummingbird Tracker App
Follow the 2021 Fall Migration
From Your Smartphone

The Hummingbird Tracker AppNew Features: Best Feeders, Hummingbird Identifier, Hummingbird Garden Design, FAQ's and MORE!
Available here:
The Hummingbird Guide Store!
Our Website is Now at
The Highest Level of Security!

We have worked hard to bring our website up to the highest level of security.
You will notice "https" in our URL (web address) in your address bar of your browser and the "Padlock" icon indicating that our website meets the standards for the highest level of security.
You can shop with confidence that our store is secure and any page that you visit on our site is secure!
Please visit Our Store. There is a large selection of decorative, unique, basic hummingbird feeders along with many accessories such as the ant moats and brushes. Also, we have many beautiful "Woodstock" wind chimes available, Gifts and Birdbaths.
Use promo code: "thehummer" for a Special 10% Discount to our newsletter subscribers which you can use on your whole
order in our store.

For You Seniors!
And Not So Senior!
Introducing Our New
(Other) Site!
Senior Travel Central!
A Resource of information to find some of the best senior vacations and destinations, best senior travel deals, transportation, passports when needed and tips on travel insurance, safety including Covid19 protocols, health restriction travel plans and senior handicapped travel.
Learn about Senior Travel Groups, Travel Clubs, Walking Tours, Long Stay Vacations, Our Personal Recommendations and Reviews!

Let Others Know About
Your "Favorite" or "Not-so-Favorite"
Hummingbird Product!
Submit your personal review here.
See Our Revised Pinterest Page!
Follow us on Pinterest and Pin Your Favorites to Your Pinterest Board.

Our Website is "Mobile Friendly"!
Add our website to the "Homescreen" of your Smartphone to have quick and easy access to follow the Hummingbird Migration as we update your sightings.
Visit Our Social Network!
If you haven't already, you just might like to become a fan!

It's "A-buzz" with activity and has been growing by leaps and bounds!
We now have over 17,800 Facebook followers.
We have many new visitor photos, videos and conversations.
We would love to see your photos and videos, come join the fun!
View some videos on our YouTube channel.

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Advertise Here!
Do you have a hummingbird related product, destination, tours, classes, business or anything related to hummingbirds......... contact us about advertising in our Newsletters.
Suggestions? Ideas?..........
We would love to hear your thoughts about our future e-zines.
Please Contact Us with your input.
Enjoy the rest of the Spring and Summer!
See you soon,
Jim & Ruth
The Hummingbird Guide "Home Page"
I saw a hummingbird today..........
Sweetness and Joy is on the way!