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I see summer.The hot sun is shining. The hummingbird has arrived for a visit to a lovely flower. It is a poem about hope and happiness.
Oct 04, 2010 Rating
Lovey Haiku by: Anonymous
Lovely Haiku
Mar 02, 2010 Rating
Perfect Title by: Anonymous
Beautiful Haiku. Really makes me look forward to summer and it's wonders. How I anticipate sitting outside, the hot sun shining on my back watching the hummingbirds.
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Hummingbird Food, contrary to popular belief, consists mainly of protein from various insects rather than nectar from flowers and feeders. The insects of choice are spiders, mosquitoes and fruit flies…
How to Attract Hummingbirds is a matter of supplying nectar rich flowers, feeders, water, perches, space, and protein. Our tried and true tips will attract lots of hummers to your yard.