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Amazing gifts from God!

by Lilly
(Loveland, Ohio)

I came to this site hoping to find out if others have had unusual but delightful encounters with hummingbirds. It’s been several years ago, but my memory of that day will stay with me always. I was sitting on the back deck reading a book. My hummer would fly right by me to the feeder a few feet away. I would look up each time to admire this tiny creature as he sipped away. After the fifth time of watching him, I did not lift my head from my book as he zoomed by to the feeder. Within seconds I felt a tug on my hair above my forehead. I looked up and was face to face with that amazing being a few inches from me. He hovered for several seconds just looking at me. I felt he was wanting my attention and was annoyed the book took it from him. I felt blessed by this special visit!

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