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The Aspects Jewel Box Window Hummingbird Feeder Review
....see why its our favorite!
This is a review of the Aspects “Jewel Box” window hummingbird feeder, among my favorites of all hummingbird feeders. The feeder comes in a nice sturdy box which is great for storage over the winter months. It has 3 feeding ports, a raised perch that surrounds the front of the “Jewel Box” (excellent for photos and videos), 8 oz. capacity, and an ant moat which cradles the Jewel Box.
To purchase this feeder click here.
- the “Jewel Box” feeder
- the ant moat
- a registration card for the lifetime warranty
- instructions for use and mounting options
- in the “Jewel Box” are the mounting bracket and parts for mounting the bracket
- the mounting bracket
- 2 suction cups to mount to a glass pane of a window
- 2 short screws for mounting the suction cups to the window bracket
- 2 longer screws for mounting the bracket to a wooden window sill or
deck railing - 2 spacers for the window sill or deck mounting option
Option #1 –Mounting the bracket to a glass window pane:
- First attach the suction cups to the bracket with the 2 short screws (be
careful not to over tighten and strip the screws) - Clean the glass surface of the window thoroughly
- Position
the feeder where you want it Press firmly onto the mounting bracket (I
will usually lightly wet the suction cups to make a better seal)
Option #2 – Mounting the bracket to a wood window sill or a deck railing:
- Using the longer screws, slide the screws through the bracket
- Slide the spacers onto the screws (the spacers are needed to keep the feeder level)
- Install the bracket to a wood surface by screwing the screws to the surface
Option #1: Without the Ant moat
- Fill the Jewel Box feeder with nectar (visit our homemade hummingbird nectar recipe to make your own)
- Line up the slots on the Jewel Box feeder with tabs on the bracket
- Slide the feeder onto the tabs
To purchase this feeder click here.
Option #2: With the Ant moat
- Line up the slots on the ant moat with the tabs on the bracket
- Slide the the ant moat onto the tabs
- Fill the ant moat with water
- Fill the Jewel Box with nectar
- Drop the box into place onto the ant moat
- The ant moat cradles the Jewel Box
To purchase this feeder click here.
• There is a scale on the side for 2, 4, 6 or 8 oz. of nectar
• The lid is hinged for easy filling and cleaning
• There are “nubs” on the underside of the feeding ports that will hold the optional “Nectar Guard Tips” made by Aspects if you have issues with bees or wasps
- The “Jewel Box” is easily removed for filling
- The lid is hinged for easy filling and cleaning
- The cover of the feeder is red which attract hummingbirds
- I recommend installation with the Ant Moat because if there is a way for ants to access the nectar, THEY WILL!
- DO NOT use any substitute or honey in place of sugar
- DO NOT add any dye or coloring to the nectar mixture (the red feeder cover will attract the hummers)
- You should clean the feeder every 3 days (5 days at the most depending on sunlight and temperature) when you replace the nectar to prevent mold and bacteria which can harm hummingbirds
- You should clean the ant moat along with feeder
- Use brushes and you can, if needed, use a tiny bit of dishwashing detergent but YOU MUST RINSE THOROUGHLY
- The “Jewel Box” and Ant moat are completely top rack dishwasher safe
You can find thorough cleaning instructions for all your humming feeders here.
The “Jewel Box” window hummingbird feeder by Aspects is my favorite window hummingbird feeder.
- It comes with a nice sturdy box for storage through the winter months.
- Comes with an ant moat to keep ants out of the feeder which can be a big problem
- It is very versatile with different mounting options.
- It is very easy to remove for filling and cleaning.
- The option to use the Aspects “Bee Guard Tips” is great to keep bees and wasps from getting into the nectar.
- The
raised perch elevates the hummingbirds preventing them from being
hidden by the feeder. This presents great photo and video opportunities.
- Comes with a Lifetime Warranty, included with very few hummingbird feeder brands.

have used the “Jewel Box” window feeder for 5 years now and I remember
that the hummingbirds almost immediately made visits to the feeder when I
first installed it.
I have our feeder installed in front of our kitchen sink window so when my wife makes me do the dishes I can enjoy our hummers while slaving away!
hummingbirds seem to get used to our presence on the other side of the
window which presents an opportunity for great videos and photos. As you
can see, I was able to capture these great photos.
Interested in photographing hummingbirds? Click here for some photography tips.
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