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Green Mountain Hummer
by Todd Ambroz
(Hinesburg, VT)
Green Mountain Hummer
This hummingbird is a very territorial visitor in Hinesburg, VT. He/she allowed me to stand about three feet away, but often made some sqeaks at me to let me know it knew I was there.
Taken with just your everyday average digital camera (an Olympus).
We moved to Vermont last spring. The house that we bought had a couple of hummingbird feeders. We moved her from England so this is the first time that we have seen hummingbirds. We understand that they are a bird of the New World.Ha!. We can't spend too much time watching them. Better than watching our Royalty at home.Ha!! They are the royalty of birds aren't they. Great lark!
Sep 11, 2011 Rating
Nice phot by: Anonymous
I clicked onto your photo after hearing so much about the flooding in Vermont.I hope the hummers in Vermont are all doing ok. I guess some feeders may have been lost. These smart birds probably know where to go. I visited Vermont last Fall. It is a gorgeous state.Hope all will be back to normal soon. Vermonters are great people.I know that they will help each other and the hummingbirds too. Nice photo!! Looking at the picture I am reminded of how fragile we are and how strong.
Aug 25, 2011 Rating
Nice photo by: Anonymous
Nice photo.We have a lot of hummingbirds here now in Craftsbury, Vermont. We have 3 hummingbird feeders on our property now. We probably should get more. These hummingbirds are draining them every other day. We think they might be getting ready to migrate. How did you get that shot. Every time I try the hummingbird flies away. I guess I'm not fast enough for the speedy little hummingbirds. Someone told me to set up a Tripod. I guess I'll get one and try. Another friend of mine has a Nature Camera. It has a sensor on it and takes pictures automatically. That sounds even easier. Anyway, congratulations on your good photograph. I plan to keep trying. Don't you just love the little birds? We do even if we can't get shots, we can sit and watch them all day.
Aug 25, 2010 Rating
Nice photo by: Anonymous
Thanks Tod. Nice photo. We are happy to receive a submission from our Green Mountain State.
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