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One famous resort in the Caribbean is the Hummingbird Beach Resort in St. Lucia.
Hummingbirds are abundant in the huge natural rainforest of St. Lucia.
Orchids and exotic flowers enjoyed by hummingbirds grow profusely there.
In fact, the rainforest preserves of St. Lucia’s mountainous interior are among the Caribbean’s best for viewing hummingbirds and for bird watching in general.
Bring a camera at breakfast on the outdoor patio and snap a photo of the absolutely gorgeous Antillean Crested (Orthorhyncus cristatus ) hummingbird that is most at dawn and dusk. You can identify this bird by the raised crest on the head. Or watchout for the Purple-throated Carib (Eulampis jugularis) with its fabulous purple gorget (throat). You might also see the Green-throated Carib (Eulampis holosericeus) which sports a lovely green gorget. As you may be realizing by now, most of the St. Lucien are named for their spectacular appearance and are easy to identify.
It has the feel more like a Bed and Breakfast
You will meet Joyce, the devoted owner who is friendly with guests and a great source of information about her native island. You can never know a place without the help of a local like her who wants nothing more than for you to enjoy your stay and see the best sights even those not available on your travel brochure. Additionally, since the resort is owner operated the service is superb.
With only 10 units (9 rooms and a country cottage) and some rooms overlooking the ocean and the Pitons, it appeals to guests who prefer a less commercialized setting.
The resort is owner operated and the service is known to be superb.
Tranquility does characterize a stay at this quiet resort.
The cool, gentle Trade winds might be the only sound you’ll hear.
Nonetheless, there is plenty to do in St.Lucia.
This Beach Resort is located close to the blue Caribbean surf and milky white sandy beaches.
Nightlife opportunities abound but don’t stay out too late.
The romance continues in the morning as you rent a car or take a Nature Hike and travel through the rainforest of St. Lucia surrounding you with gorgeous Caribbean flowers, more amazing Purple throated Hummingbirds, Antillean Crested Hummingbirds and other exotic species.
Wedding Packages are available upon request!
The Resort is located on the beach in the town of Soufriere.
The Address:
P.O.Box 280 Soufriere
St. Lucia West Indies
USA Toll Free: 1-888-790-5264
Happy Romantic Vacationing!
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