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Hummingbirds do talk!

by Sheri
(Easley, South Carolina, USA)

I live in South Carolina, been here for 6 years. My hummingbirds are so spoiled that I try to make sure at night when they go to bed, the feeders are full. This year I was rear ended in a car accident the end of May 2017. My hummingbirds were here and used to being feed 2 times a day. I would go out and have a cigarette and they would know that there feeders were full or getting filled. But after that car accident I was unable to get around very good. I had a hard enough time letting my dogs out. I was very concerned about my hummingbirds. I had my daughter come over and feed them. I only use the single feeders. She has a baby so it was hard for her to come over and we put up the larger feeders that held more. Well one day I was on the screened-in porch and a female came in and just started squealing at me. It had been 1 1/2 months after accident and it was like she was telling me to hurry up get better because we want our little feeders back. She was just looking right at me a chewing me a new butt, chirping and staring right at me not scared at all. I went and got the little single feeders from the house and told my husband to help me hang them so I can reach them without any strain. Well he did and boy I had some happy birds. I have 12 single feeders. They won't eat out of the large one that is a multiple shared one. Its helped me heal with my depression and gets me out of bed early to watch them again and I make sure all are full and I may have to fill them 3 times a day but they come right up to me and drink out of them as I'm holding them. I also, before the accident, was working on making them a hummingbird bath. Well my husband finished that for me and every once in a while I see 1 or 2 enjoying it. I just wanted to let whomever reads this know that my hummingbirds chatter and yelled at me to get up and feed us like you used to. Ha ha so they do TALK. I love my babies and learned something on this page that dragon flies can kill a hummingbird. I love dragonflies, but not enough to have them around to hurt my hummers. I will watch for them and protect my babies at all costs.

Thank you for reading my entire story. My hands go numb and I have severe pain in my back and neck since the car accident so I had to do this over a period of hours. Hope you enjoyed my story. It was painful to type. :(

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Jun 30, 2023
Neighbors feeder
by: Elisha Cosby

It's June 30th 2023, I live in Shawnee Oklahoma. My new neighbor has a feeder since spring. I've noticed up to 3 hummingbirds and even recorded all, feeding, fighting, chasing or just enjoying the sun, and even while one flew up to my face. Every time I sit outside no matter the time or day, my lil friend is there. Today while flying past me, he chirped at me. I thought, did that really just happen? I've lived here 11 years consecutively, 3 years on the new side where I had the 1st encounter when one flew up to my face. We lived on 2nd floor then in 2012, now in 2023, the past 8 years here and these past few months I’ve been watching for my lil friends. It's breathtaking, I love when they perch in my yard across from the neighbor’s feeder, like saying, "we love you too" God's precious blessings. I have 1 post on tiktok,

Aug 29, 2022
Hummingbird talk
by: Anonymous

Well I’m glad your ok from the car accident and getting better still.
And yes my hummingbirds buzz my head and chatter at me all day long. They fly circles around me and chirp a lot. There’s never a dull moment with them around.
They drink from feeders with me quite close to them now too regularly. I never knew dragon flies could hurt a hummingbird I would think it’s quite a rare occurrence. Good to know, thank u for your post and keep up the good work !

Aug 22, 2021
Does Red-flowered passion vine help hummers?
by: Anonymous

I love you, Sheri!! Your story brought tears to my eyes. I hope you’re feeling well now.
I have a question about my Red flowered hybrid Passion Flower Vine. It’s not supposed to set fruit and never has but .... the little hummers drink out of the center of the flowers all the time. I worry that they aren’t getting any nutrition. Does anybody have any knowledge?

Apr 27, 2021
Hummingbird in my House
by: Darlene

Hello: I am writing from Palm Springs, CA. Two days ago, a hummingbird flew into my house through the front door. I tried everything to get it to go back out, but it was fruitless. I went to bed and was expecting to find it dead on the floor in the morning. I went into the dining room and heard a scratching noise. I looked up and saw the little guy trying to get nectar out of the artificial flowers in the room. I started to cry and figured he was getting weaker by the minute. He flew down onto one of the pillows on the couch. Only about 2 1/2 inches long, iridescent green. I went up to it and cupped my hand around him. He only chirped once, and I opened the front door and opened my hand and he flew away. I really cried. Now I am hoping he will be ok and that he found nectar right away, since he hadn't eaten in a long time.

Sep 08, 2020
My hummingbird takes to me
by: Anonymous

I have a hot pinked neck hummingbird that comes a few times a day.i swear she says toot sweet 'when I'm outside if I hear her in the distance I call too her and she flys right over she squeaks and chirps then says toot sweet so there for that is what I have named her we will go back and forth chirping 'squeaking and saying too sweet my family is amazed at this she will flutter in the air about 2 or 3 inches away from me while in out putting plants or just sitting and relaxing .my neighbors may think I'm nut 'but that's okay I just love her

Jul 12, 2020
Yes, She talked to me!
by: Anonymous

I was sitting outside around 7:30am and she came up to me about 3 feet from my face just humming away, not darting away, very excited. I swear she was looking right at me and saying "It's me! It's me!!". Well, I cried later. Because it came back to me that probably about 4 years ago before my mom had died we'd been watching a bird, because we often sat out by a fountain at dusk, and I'd asked her to give me some kind of sign after she passed. Well. Obviously who knows. I got a feeder that day, and a hummer came back the next morning at the same time and then later. She came today, so apparently, hopefully she'll be back everyday!

Jun 19, 2020
An angry hummingbird just yelled at me!
by: Jenn

I put out a hummingbird feeder last month because I could tell my husband has been depressed by the pandemic, and I'd already noticed hummingbirds in our yard. Our local birds really enjoy the feeder, and as a consequence we do, too.

Just now I was sitting on the patio with my laptop where I always do, when a little hummingbird flew up to the feeder. However, because I am currently dogsitting for a friend, it's the first time I've ever had a dog on the patio with me. I think the hummingbird may have noticed the little dog?? Instead of stopping for nectar, the hummingbird started chirping angrily. I looked up at the bird, and he then flew toward me, directing several sharp, angry, rapid-fire chirps in my direction! He boldly buzzed right up to my face and told me off! My jaw DROPPED. I couldn't believe it!!

A few minutes later I stood up, calling the dog toward me, and sure enough, the little bird--who must have been watching and waiting nearby--finally felt able to fly up and have his early evening supper. I'm still incredulous. This was definitely the first time I have ever been shouted at by a wild animal.

Jun 28, 2019
Me too!
by: Mr. K

Last year had a visit in my enclosed patio, WOW! she was awesome and brought me prosperity in 2019. She perched for me on some bamboo, then as I retreated she flew away. Again yesterday afternoon, a young female came to my Lemon tree, started by me hanging up laundry, she became curious and I touched the close line and she flew over and perched for a short conversation.

Mar 01, 2019
Its so nice to have birds to watch when housebound!
by: Lisa

I'm sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you are doing well now.
I have been discovering birds and feeders since I have been out of work. I love them!
I now recognize the individual hummingbirds and their personalities. I have Costas and Black-Chinned.
To get to the point, I took down feeders today to clean and boy did I hear it! I've never heard so much chattering! They were dive bombing me as I put them back up!
They must be happy now as they are nearby whistling away! I love my birds!

Aug 03, 2018
Wonderful story
by: Meg

Thank you for sharing your story with all of us! At this time I hope you are completely healed and enjoyed all the little hummers in your yard!

Jul 08, 2018
Loving it
by: Michael

Loving it. I love your story I only have three hummingbirds I did have four The one just disappeared one day never came back so now I have two males and one female. I’ve only been doing it about a month now maybe two and they do make my day special since I have cancer I get to come out and watch them fly around. They don’t live at my house though, they just come for the flowers and the feeders. Maybe someday they’ll move in. I have plenty of orange trees but yeah they do like to holler at you when you’re not keeping up with their feeders. I have four feeders but they only like two of them. I get the big birds to like the feeders. I even have a dove that likes to drink out of one of my feeders she’s cool, even the woodpeckers like my feeders.
Get well soon they need you.

Mar 22, 2018
thank you Sheri
by: Pat

A speedy recovery to you. I really enjoyed your story. I am waiting for my hummers to return this spring to Jacksonville, Fl. and I have my feeders out already. They are usually here by now but we had a cold winter this year so I expect them to be a little late. Have never been scolded by them yet but I know they can be feisty! Made 4 new swings for them and am working on a fountain for them now.

Sep 06, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much! I really enjoyed your story. I too have been scolded by my hummers! At first I thought it was something bright I was wearing that caught their eye but that wasn't always the case. Many times they have approached me a foot from my face and yelled at me. Today one approached a feeder at my window (it was raining so I was inside)and followed me to the sliding door and chirped at me. The feeders were full but needed to be changed which I did in haste. I really enjoy the different personalities too. They seem to like my hair clips, usually the white ones, and approach me from behind rather unexpectedly. I wish you a fast recovery.

Sep 04, 2017
Hummingbirds do talk
by: Debi

I loved your story and can relate. Mine have also told me off a time or two. My aggressive male even squaks if someone comes to visit and he doesn't like them. My friend thinks I'm crazy when I tell him different things about them. I love my little friends just like you do. I live in Az so I'm lucky Anna's stay all year. My male has been here over 2 years

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