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Just Sitting around
by Jeff Veres
(Littleton, CO 80123)
I am fairly new to hummingbirds. Got into it late last summer, hopefully I'll have more this summer.
I too am from Denver, and have been told by experts that this is not a good year for hummingbirds in Denver.. We had a cold wet spring. Of the people I've talked to, no one has seen very many birds. So cheer up,you're not alone. Let's hope for a better year next year.
Jul 10, 2016 Rating
Just Sitting around by: Sageways
Oh, wow, You have inspired me to not give up! :) I just got my feeder and started late too. I haven't seen any in Denver, yet, and have been wondering if they are around in the city or I was just too late to start. (I have seen them in the mountains!) When I was a small child living in Denver I remember seeing all kinds of birds (blue jays, red robins, woodpeckers, etc.) that were in abundance along with numerous butterflies. One hardly sees them around anymore.
The week before and last night I did have a rare sighting of a hummingbird moth around my flowers. I'm now hoping that a hummingbird will show up one day on my feeder. Thank you so much for your post. Very cool. :)
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Print our Hummingbird Nectar Recipe and see our step by step instructions for filling and cleaning your feeders with a formula for the hummingbird food sugar to water ratio.