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King of the Sky
by Anya Ambarish
(Sterling, VA)
Your wings a quick show plane Twisting to the sky A constant beat they keep Hovering in the pushy wind Much energy these birds have Spinning up and down in the air Almost hanging in the sky To hummingbirds gravity does not apply Swift as a cheetah Only in the air On land those stubby legs Certainly don’t go far The sky is your home The Clouds your streets You really are The king of the sky
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27 Amazing hummingbird facts will show how these little birds are one of most unique creatures alive! The only bird that can hover indefinitely and fly backwards.
Hummingbird Feeding FAQs and Feeding Tips. Find answers to your Hummingbird Feeder Problems. See the most common Hummingbird FAQs and Hummingbird Feeder Tips.