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Mom's Memorial

by Dawn Valenti
(North Port, Florida)

Through my Mother's estate, I was able to purchase a home here in North Port, Florida. I have been establishing my lawn and garden and looking for flowers and plants. Recently, while watering my newly planted Bermuda grass, I was startled. A very colorful green and ruby-throated hummingbird hovered near my face above the water flow. He stayed for quite awhile, looking intently at me. Then he flew away, and returned and repeated his actions. It was as if he was saying hello, feed me. He flew away again and returned with a female and the both hovered near me and the water flow. I was simply amazed at their courage to come so close. It really was a spiritual experience. It felt like some kind of message being delivered. So I decided to investigate the hummingbird species. I found the Easter reference to hummingbirds and it occurred that perhaps it was my Mother and Father returning to me to say hello. You see, she often called me to tell me a story about her kitchen window feeder and the hummingbirds who came to visit. She had a beautiful garden full of lovely colorful plants that encouraged butterflies and hummingbirds to grace her patio and garden, that she constantly tended with Dad's help. It was delightful to have such an experience with the tiny birds myself. It got me to thinking of my Mother and Father how much I missed them.

As I write this little story we are celebrating Memorial Day. I visited my local lawn and garden center again, for the umpteenth time. But this time I had a definite project in my mind. I wanted to plant a memorial garden for my parents. I found a little statue of St Francis of Assisi (Mom had one too), and made it the center piece of the garden. I placed her gift of an angel on a pillar to overlook the flowers your site suggested. My hummingbird feeder is in the wrong place now (in sunny area) and I will move it to my garden to feed my little friends. I have a bird bath there as well. It is all a work in progress, and I will add pictures as the flowers grow and bloom. Suffice it to say the magical little hummingbird visit has completely changed the theme of my garden. This gives me great pleasure in gracing the memory of Mom and Dad all they taught me about gardening. In loving memory of Ina and Joe Valenti.

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Jun 20, 2012
by: HVB, jr.

Great article Dawn.

Jun 19, 2012
Your Mom's Memorial Garden
by: Winston Nelson

I can just imagine your garden and the flowers that you have planted and It brings smile as well as a tear to my face. I remember a few years back I went to visit your Mom. It was early spring and we walked her garden for the longest time as she told me what she was planning to do when it warmed up. She talked a great deal about the little birds that visited her back yard but it didn't connect to me until now what they must of meant to her. God Bless you Dawn, and thank you for including me in your thoughts.

Uncle Win.

Jun 18, 2012
by: Tom Williams

Dawn, very nice. Well done.

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