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pretty hummingbird
by Jenny Darling age seven
(Las Vegas, NV USA)
Today I saw a hummingbird, it was lovely as can be. If you ever saw a hummingbird I think you would agree. I marvel at his colors, such a pretty sheen, He reminds me of a rainbow, yellow blue and green. He visits flowers one by one and hovers by and by, And sips the nectar oh so sweet, like a butterfly. His wings he flaps so rapidly one can barely see, He flies not like the other birds but like a bumblebee.
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Hummingbird Food, contrary to popular belief, consists mainly of protein from various insects rather than nectar from flowers and feeders. The insects of choice are spiders, mosquitoes and fruit flies…
How to Attract Hummingbirds is a matter of supplying nectar rich flowers, feeders, water, perches, space, and protein. Our tried and true tips will attract lots of hummers to your yard.