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Report a Hummingbird Sighting

You have come to right place to report a hummingbird sighting!

We have been tracking the Hummingbird Migration each year since 2009. 

Our visitors report a hummingbird sighting and our migration map is updated many times each day to bring you the most current migration map on the web!

We receive well over 8000 hummingbird Spring and Fall sighting reports each year, adding up to over 194,000,000 sightings in the history of our hummingbird migration map and viewed more than 50,500,000 times since we at "The Hummingbird Guide" have been tracking the hummingbird migration each year.

We have also been tracking the Fall Hummingbird Migration since 2015, one of the very few hummingbird sites who track the migration during this time of year.

Some ask, "Why track the Fall Migration?"

Tracking the Fall migration gives warning to those who see a large influx of hummingbirds to their feeders on their way to the Winter habitat in Mexico and Central America.

This warning helps our visitors to be ready with extra feeders and nectar for the migrating hummingbirds who need the nutrition and fuel for their long journey.

In 2020 we added a map with our visitor sightings to track the Winter Hummingbirds or those that "overwinter" (hummers that stay throughout the winter).

To learn more or report your Winter Hummingbird Sighting for 2025 click here.

Now Tracking
the 2023 Spring Hummingbird Migration

Hummingbird Spring Migration Map and
Sightings Report 2023

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