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Spike 2017
by Cindy Greaves
(DePere, Wisconsin, USA)
I never had hummingbirds where I lived before. Moved to a new home 2 years ago saw a hummingbird and became obsessed with the little critters ever since.
I live in N Mn and for the past several have been swarmed with ruby throated hummers. Hardly any this year. What's up with that?
Jul 02, 2017 Rating
Hummingbird in Cleveland, OH area by: Cairnz
I had seen a hummingbird on my hanging baskets last year and the year before. I *finally* got a feeder. I got the HummZinger highview 12 oz. feeder. My *one* female ruby throat comes and drinks daily. I just got a second feeder so I can make changes more easily. I've been a bit concerned as my little girl drinks from the feeder but I haven't seen her on my flowers this year...and I put up three hanging baskets just for her. Today, at long last, I saw my little hummer visit all three of the baskets that hang close to the feeder. Phew, I feel much better now! Do you think I'm obsessed? Probably. LOL
Jun 06, 2017 Rating
Me too by: Debi
I put my first feeder up almost 3 yrs ago.I also am obsessed by them
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