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Sweet hummingbird
by Tadiwanashe
(harare,mashonaland west,zimbabwe)
Day and night you hear their sweet hums Promising to soothe every sobbing heart Less than a penny it weighs But makes me lovely days It sieves the pain and leaves me joy Sadness may play my heart like a ramming toy But the hummingbird makes me forget all For only I wish I was a doll As the hummingbird rows tall To all the hummingbirds Who day and night hum Oh sweet hummingbird
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27 Amazing hummingbird facts will show how these little birds are one of most unique creatures alive! The only bird that can hover indefinitely and fly backwards.
Hummingbird Feeding FAQs and Feeding Tips. Find answers to your Hummingbird Feeder Problems. See the most common Hummingbird FAQs and Hummingbird Feeder Tips.