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by Ruth
(Carterville, IL)
I love sharing stories of my hummers. This year I drew in over 100 breeds of hummers. I hung over 12 feeders to start and realized I needed to add more as the fight grew. My love for hummers started as a young girl back in New England. As I moved to S. IL 16 years ago and started a new chapter in my life. This year as my health has declined I took on hummie watching full time. This year was my most memorable year as far as watching my feathered friends and educating myself on hummie lifestyles. Wow what a lesson on these little feathered friends. Over the last 55+ years I only watched and took a back seat approach as I would think to myself these little birds have a ton of energy. I guess I would as well if I consumed as much sugar as they do. This year for was a special year for me. I have learned so much in these last few months about these little birds. I watched my last hummie the other day and I knew he was getting ready to take flight. I sensed it. He flew only feet from where I was standing and he sat on the railing staring at me as I said my goodbyes. To me it was a special moment because I knew it was the last time we would see each other. I prayed for his journey as well as all the hummers. But this little guy stayed to say goodbye and give me some extra time to enjoy his beauty. What a blessing.