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Winter Hummingbirds

Winter Hummingbirds, for the purpose of reference, are those that stay year round ("overwinter") in the United States and are found mainly in the Southwest regions.

In recent years there has been an increasing number of sightings in the Southeast region of the country.

The Rufous hummingbird is the most common sighted in the Southeast and sightings have been increasing in recent years.

We are now tracking your winter hummingbird sightings with our Winter Hummingbird Map.

Overwintering hummingbirds are a result of the increased interest in hummingbirds and enthusiasts planting hummingbird friendly gardens and displaying hummingbird feeders.

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Winter Humminbird Feeder Heater

Here is a Hummingbird Feeder Heater to keep your feeders from freezing during those cold winter nights!

The Hummingbird Feeder Heater is a simple, convenient solution to frozen feeders.

The Heater will help both you and your hummingbirds through freezing conditions.

     - No more swapping frozen feeders.

     - No more venturing out before the crack of dawn to put             out a thawed feeder.

     - No more worrying about a feeder freezing when you're            not home.

See It Here.

Our Website Visitor's Experience

Here is Bill Taylor's experience with our hummingbird feeder heater which he purchased here:

Bill's Story: This hummingbird, her name is Sella, has been to my feeder three winters in a row. She shows up in late fall and leaves in April.

She is a female Rufus hummingbird and was banded by an ornithologist the first year she appeared and I've confirmed the band each of the following two years by getting up close photos while she is on the feeder.

The feeder heater has been a great help, I got it here on Hummingbird Guide.

We named her Sella after the genus name Selasphorus Rufus.

The 10 species most common to "Overwinter" in the United States:


  1. Ruby-throated
  2. Rufous
  3. Black-chinned
  4. Buff-bellied
  5. Calliope
  6. Allen's
  7. Broad-tailed
  8. Anna's
  9. Broad-billed
  10. Costa's

Winter Location 
(But Not Exclusive)

  1. Extreme Southern Florida
  2. Gulf Coast
  3. Southeast Gulf Coast
  4. Texas, Louisiana & Mississippi
  5. Southern Louisiana
  6. West Coast
  7. Southeast
  8. Nevada
  9. Southern & Central Arizona
  10. California, Arizona & Baja

We are excited to start this new project
of tracking "Winter Hummingbirds"!

These hummingbirds that "Overwinter" in the United States may be a rare sighting and some, more common. 

We have established a "Winter Sightings Map" of sighting reports from you, our visitors.
See it here.

If you are one of the lucky ones to enjoy these rare and not-so-rare winter hummingbirds we would appreciate your post to the map.
Post your sighting here.

We plan to continue our Winter Sightings Map in the years to come to observe and document the statistics of any change to hummingbird behavior during the winter months and where they inhabit North America.

If you are observing hummingbirds at your feeders this Winter, we would like to track the Winter population of hummingbirds with your sighting reports.

Please report what species and where they are "overwintering" in the United States and Canada.

Use this form to submit your "Overwinter" sightings (hummingbirds that stay all Winter) only.

NOTE: Please do not use this form for Spring, Summer or Fall sightings. This form is for those who have hummingbirds throughout the Winter.

Winter Hummingbird Sightings Map
Submit Your Sighting in the Form Above

Click the markers to see more information about the individual sightings.

Note: For Directions To Find A Post(s)/Sighting(s) For A Specific "City, State" Click HERE.

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