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Hummingbird Guide Catalog

A Personal Message from Ruth & Jim.

  Welcome to the Hummingbird Guide Catalog!

See our list of products.

Thanks for stopping by today.
We have opened this store in response to many of our visitors looking for a more personal shopping experience.
Our goal is to provide you with the same great customer service you expect from your "Ma and Pa" business, we are not a corporate conglomerate.

A Few Kind Words from a Recent Customer Purchase:

"I love this time of year - anticipating the return on the hummingbirds and preparing for them.  Especially now that we will be home more, we look for celebratory events within our home.  I was so happy to receive the box of hummingbird products.  I shared your migration guide from your website on my personal Facebook account, and the response was overwhelming who many people found some joy in it, as I did!  Thank you for your annual guide and alerts to the migration; your products were wonderful, and I eagerly await putting them to use."  

Natalie and John Chickey

See More Testimonials from Happy Customers.

You may find a few of our products at larger websites. Ordering from us, you will receive our personal attention and 99% of the time you will receive your order within 3 business days or less.

Rest assured, we have a secure shopping cart and your credit cards are processed through PayPal which is said to be the most secure processor on the Web.

You will notice "https" in our URL (web address) in your address bar of your browser and the "Padlock" icon indicating that our website meets the standards for the highest level of security.

You can shop with confidence that our store is secure and any page that you visit on our site is secure!

Your satisfaction is guaranteed and any of your questions or concerns are dealt with by us, Jim or Ruth, not hired customer service representatives.
Please browse through our catalog, we are continually adding products, so visit us often.

I Saw A Hummingbird Today......

                                Sweetness and Joy Is On the Way!

Ruth & Jim

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